Monday, May 28, 2012

Shake Your Money Maker (#25)

Justin James here:
I am throwing a birthday dance party for Jessie James on Sunday, June 3rd 5:30 - 8:30 at Groundswell Coffee.  If you haven’t been invited, you are officially invited.  Here are some tunes to prepare yourself for the party.  
This playlist is ultimately meant to get you on your feet so you can shake your groove thang. 

Listen to Justin's playlist here!

1.  There Was a Time by James Brown
We all need some James Brown in our lives.  If you don’t feel like dancing to this song then go check out this video by the Godfather of Soul:

2.  Big Chef by Professor Longhair
Don’t need words for this song, just straight up rhythm and blues.

3.  You Keep Me Hanging on by Bonnie & Sheila
Straight outta New Orleans.  

4.  Bo Diddley by Art Neville
More Funk from New Orleans.

5.  Check Your Bucket by Eddie Bo
Another hit from New Orleans.  I didn’t realize I liked to dance to so much music from New Orleans.  Makes sense though.  A bit of history - New Orleans was one of the only places in the United States where slaves were able to play instruments (mainly drums) during their church/spiritual services.  This is one of the reasons why New Orleans has been the birthplace or center of so many great genres of music: jazz, dixieland, bounce, and funk.

6.  I Love You by the Motivations
Go find your partner or a stranger and shake your hips to this song.

7.  Do My Thang by Estelle featuring Janelle Monae
These two got it goin on.

8.  212 by Azealia Banks
Azealia Banks is from Harlem but she sounds like she is from the UK.  

9.  Shake Your Moneymaker by Elmore James

10.  I Got the Feelin’ by James Brown
This is funk music at its finest.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Sound of Soulos (#24)

by Kevin Kneisl.

Hello everyone, guess I'm the guest this week. Sweet!  Let me begin by saying hello to everyone out there.
Hi everyone.
Second, let me define the type of playlist I have graced you with.

The Sound of Soulos is a playlist of solos that I love.  Period. I am not making a
list of "best solos" by any means.  These songs and the instrumental
sections therein have moved me, made me shiver, cry, shout with joy,
or even just relax.  The playlist relies heavily on the rock genre
(not entirely), so some may not find it to their liking.  Fine, just
don't tell me I didn't warn you!  No matter your taste in
music, give these tunes a listen and glean what you can.  Moreover,
there might be critical feedback on the overuse of the Plant, Page,
Jones, and Bonham Connection (there's a ton of it).  This is
understandable.  But please, don't judge before you try.  I hope to
reach a different audience on this one, and convert of few to rockin
with me.  So get the arms ready for some air soloing, and the feet
ready for some tappin' and LETS DO THIS THANG!

Listen to Kevski's playlist here!

1.  Violin - Black Water - Doobie Brothers
This is a fun, down home southern rock tune from the DB. The solo has
a "switch off" style where the violin takes a bar then the acoustic
takes a bar and back to the violin and so on.  I almost imagine two
barn dancers trading steps. Dance along if you'd like!  This is the
kind of feel good music that... well... makes you feel good :)

2.  Organ - Smokin' - Boston

First, Boston: seriously underrated band. Their title album is solid,
through and through.  Moreover this is a band that relies heavily on
rip-roaring guitar and organ solos.  Check out "Hitch a Ride" on your
own for an incredible "switch off' type guitar solo.  Here, however,
we are focusing on the organ.  The second half of the song is a solo.
Some cool rhythm changes really make you wanna move yer feet!  Enjoy
the skills of this player.

3.  Trumpet - Exalt - Rend Collective Experiment

Well, I'm cheating a little here, it's really a section playing a part,
not a solo, but it is a solo as it is totally set apart from the rest
of the song.  This is one of the most moving worship songs I have
heard in years and an epic piece of music.  Good tune to listen to
after that talk on ascension from Seth.  The trumpets blast forth and
jump out of the music.  The best way I can put it... the solo is
royal.  Truly fit for a king.  Sit back and let it blast you.

4.  Acoustic Guitar - Crazy on you - Heart
Honestly, after the intro acoustic guitar solo I generally turn the
song off because I think it's garbage.  However, for those 36 seconds
I'm taken to a musical paradise.  The player means business with her
chops and rhythmic voracity.  Just hear the harmonics at :17 and try
not to holler.  Yummy.

5.  Tenor - Go Lovely Rose - Eric Whitacre
Well, I have major reservations putting a choral (choir) song on a
list of meaty rock songs, but its too good to resist.  Eric Whitacre
is the Miles Davis of the Choral world (he's cool).  He is a leader,
if not the leader, in contemporary choral music.  If you listen to one
song on this list, let this one be it.  Put on some headphones and
turn it up.  Whitacre will move you with his incredible dissonances
and cadences.  This is another example of a song where I wish I could
just right into the sound waves and surf.  Ok. The song.  Go Lovely
Rose is Whitacre's first composition and it is a masterpiece.  Here's
the poem, it sappy and all that. Enjoy.

"Go, Lovely Rose
Tell her that wastes her time and me,
     That now she knows,
When I resemble her to thee,
How sweet and fair she seems to be.

Tell her that’s young,
And shuns to have her graces spied,
     That hadst thou sprung
In deserts where no men abide,
Thou must have uncommended died.

Small is the worth
Of beauty from the light retired:
     Bid her come forth,
Suffer herself to be desired,
And not blush so to be admired.

Then die—that she
The common fate of all things rare
     May read in thee;
How small a part of time they share
That are so wondrous sweet and fair!"

6.  Harmonica - Bring It On Home - Led Zeppelin
Thirdway and beyond, meet the Plant, Page, Jones, and Bonham
connection.  No group of musicians have been like this before, and
none will ever be again. Each (maybe minus Jones) was a MASTER of his
craft, no qualifications.  Mozart has met his match.  If there was a
Quadinity, this would be it.  Enough praise?  In this tune, Plant
shows us that he can blow the harp just like he can belt and cry out.
Out of this playlist of 12, a quarter is Zeppelin.  I have no
explanation except that the players are individually so talented.
This song is a two parter, a rockin guitar riff being sandwiched
between two wondrous blues harp solos.  Just let it take you there.
It'll bring you right on home.

7.  Piano - I Get A Kick Out Of You - Jamie Cullum
Whow! This is a new artist with a seriously sultry voice, fun tunes,
and most of all some delicious chops!  I really could have picked any
tune from Jamie.  This cover does justice.  Jamie has a signature
style of huge descending scales and a nice pounding chord real low on
the keyboard (he may or may not do it in this tune, but he shows his
speed here). Sooo good.  Gotta give it up for this dude.

8.  Mandolin - The Battle Of Evermore - Led Zeppelin
So, as far as mando goes, its between this tune and Maggie Mae, so its
an obvious choice.  If you've never heard this song, you are in for a
delicious treat.  Seriously, this is why Zeppelin is the best - their
style is incredibly diverse.  From a medieval jam, to reggae, they do
it all.  So put on your breastplate, get you long-sword and helm, and
join in on the most epic battle since Helms Deep.

9.  Trumpet - I Don't Need No Doctor - John Mayer
First off, it is a mistake to write off John Mayer.  There is a reason
why Clapton invites him to all his blues Jams.  Mayer can play the
guitar, and apparently, his trio can rip it up too.  I have cried
listening to the first trumpet solo in this tune.  Give it a serious
listen, oh man. SOOOOO GOOOOD.

10.  Bass - Armistice - Mutemath
New group I've gotten into lately thanks to Danny.  This song shows
off the skills of the bass player, when he takes a nice little solo
about halfway through the tune.  Nothing spectacular, but the song is
super cool.  Mind you as well that this tune is recorded live in
"Atlanta"!  These boys draw from the unending frontier of pure
creativity.  I liken a Mutemath song to have the same creative
freedom as a dialogue in a Quentin Tarantino film.  Just say whatever,
and let it become a masterpiece.  Mutemath does not create their
songs, they discover their songs.  Indeed, the sculpture is within the

11.  Drums - Moby Dick - Led Zeppelin
Some say that John Bonham is the best.  I don't know if that claim is
true, but he certainly is a talent.  The solo starts pretty tame as
Bonham is using his hands on the drums, and gets beefier (with sticks)
as it progresses.
From 2:32-2:53, and at the end John shows us his triplet skills.  Very
cool.  Very rarely will a band have such a huge section for a drum
solo, but Bonham deserves it.

12.  Electric Guitar - Since I've been Lovin' You - Led Zeppelin
Finally, the guitar solo.  Easy choice for me as Since I've Been
Loving You shows Page's passion and speed on the fret-board.  Page can
be sorta sloppy sometimes when he plays, but his tone is right on this
time.  I just wanna sing along the motif Page weaves in during his
play time "WAH WAH WAH BAH WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH."  :)---      I may
never hear a solo like this again, and I am content with that.  If you
were not heart broken before you heard this, you will be after.

Thanks for letting me share my love for music with you :)

Thursday, May 17, 2012


What a sticky word.
We've been so burned, annoyed, and numbed by the idea of evangelism, and it's become a bit of a joke in my neck of the church. Even at our Sunday meeting a few weeks ago, when Seth brought this topic up, I could feel the air shift in the room. Backs were straighter, eyebrows hinting at skepticism, resisting an inner rolling of the eyes while we were trying our darndest to get ready to hear truth pulled from weeds.

One of Seth's questions to us was:
How do we respond when we love what we see, or what we're experiencing?

We pull ourPhones out, snap a couple of super artsy pics, frame them up digitally with cool vintage looking effects, and "share" them immediately online with our FB friends, thoughtfully captioned so that we can try to get our viewers to feel even for a moment what we just felt when we saw that sunrise, ate that cupcake, kissed that baby's face, heard that super impressive musician, etc. Or those of us without smart phones use the low tech (arguably more effective) alternative - our mouths, our hands, raised eyebrows, fantastic adjectives.. whatever we can use to express and share what we've experienced.

Photo by Justine Armstrong

So what do we do when we encounter God??
A very beautiful and natural kind of evangelism can happen when we see some sort of evidence or glimpse of our living God, and that experience or encounter compels us to share it with someone else. We as a faith community believe that God is doing something amazing, that right now He's growing something lovely, true, and eternal. And somehow He is making a way for us to see it, experience it, and even choose to join Him in it.

All of that to say, I've listened to Karla Adolphe's new album, Honeycomb Tombs, several times now, and I think I would describe this new work as a simple, true, and ultimately life-giving example of good evangelism. It's a collection of songs inspired by witnessing the death of a dear friend's daughter and it's become an album meant to join, comfort, and restore people who've found themselves in the midst of grief. These songs seem to me to be a natural response to the appeal in Romans to "rejoice with those who rejoice, and mourn with those who mourn." 

Wake up, love! Wake up, love! Wake up, love!
I know I'm alive.
Raised from the dead inside.
Breaking out of honeycomb tombs.
Growing gardens out of my wounds.
I know I'm alive.

There are lyrics, harmonies, and movements in this album that I want to Instagram, Tweet, put up on Facebook, write across my chest, tattoo on my arm, and sing on Sunday morning.. Ultimately I think it's totally worth sharing, not just with our people who are in the midst of grief, but it's for all of us who "carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body."

Karla has chosen to make this album available FOR FREE at I'll be promoting the heck out of this beautiful piece of work to all of my friends and family and I encourage you to do the same, after picking up the free download and listening to the album yourself. I pray that Honeycomb Tombs would bless you and bring you new life. I pray that through this album, God would use His Holy Spirit to act as Lazarus' friends and help remove from you your grave clothes, to remind you of the restored life he has for you.

Therefore we do not lose heart.
Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 

So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you.


Download Honeycomb Tombs FOR FREE.
Find Touring/Booking info at
Aaaaaand, like her on Facebook.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Sound of Seoul (#23)

::S o u n d o f S e o u l:: (^_^)
by Bethany P. Tweeten

1. “Party Rock Anthem”
I will forever think of Korea when I hear this song. I’ve probably heard it every day since I’ve been here. It can be heard in the streets blaring from speakers outside makeup and cell phone stores, choreographed into countless Taekwondo routines, even used as businesses strategy, such as the “Party Rock Hotel” on the outskirts of town. I will walk through the halls of my elementary school and often hear students singing “everyday I’m shufflin…” and breaking out into dance. It still hasn’t gotten old for me yet...

2. “Headlines” ~Drake
I’ve gone through a major Drizzy phase since being here…for a while I couldn’t handle listening to anything remotely slow/sad and therefore had hiphop on lock. (Also had Jay-Z and Kanye’s “Watch the Throne on heavy rotation.)

3. “Bad Boy”~Big Bang
This wouldn’t be a “Sound of Seoul” without some Kpop up in here! (Korean pop= Kpop) This one is by my personal favorite Kpop boy-band: Big Bang! Many of their choruses are English words mixed with Korean and then verses in Korean. There are 5 members and each have their own lil personality...The most famous is probably GD (G-Dragon) who has taken on sort of a Lady-Gaga-esque weird-outfit image thing. To me, he is quite feminine. But anyway what am I talking about, check out their videos on youtube for more!

4. "I AM THE BEST" (내가제일잘나가) by 2NE1
It’s only fair to showcase the ladies of Kpop as well. While I find most female Kpop to be incredibly annoying, I do like me some 2NE1 :) Although it could be mostly because of one particular night where I found myself surrounded by sparklers (lit for someone’s birthday) INSIDE a bar with everyone dancing around and singing this at the top of their lungs..obvs only the Koreans could say most of it, but we (foreigners) caught on to the chorus by the end and now I can say “I am the best” in Korean. Useful.

5. So Good to Me ~Cory Asbury
This is my new favorite worship song. I recently found this amazing church, New Philadelphia, and I’ve been attending their new church-plant in Busan. I recently went on a retreat with all their church campuses and everyone sang and danced to this of those awesome moments.

6. “Your Faithfulness” ~Jon Thurlow
I also heard this on the retreat with New Philly. First they sang the song how it is, then changed the names to the names of leaders in their church…really powerful. I immediately looked it up on my phone and it’s been on nonstop since :)
I remember your faithfulness to Noah

I remember your faithfulness to Moses

I remember your faithfulness to David
I remember your faithfulness to me

7. “Thinking about You” ~Frank Ocean
Love his falsetto. His voice is smooth like butta. I listened to this about a million times on repeat. Also pretty much anything by Miguel… But for realz, “I been thinkin boutchu.” Boutchu all!

8. “Midnight City” ~M83
Korea is a midnight city if I’ve ever seen one. People are so incredibly hardworking here...morning till night. High school students stay at school until 10PM then go to after-school academies. Even many of my elementary students go to academies until 12AM. On the weekends, the clubs don’t get hoppin until at least 1AM. I don’t think people ever sleep here. So Midnight City it is!

Waiting in the car
Waiting for a ride in the dark
Drinking in the lights
Following the neon signs…

9. “Lighthouse” ~Patrick Watson
This is a recent discovery and wowzers! His album, “Adventures in your own backyard.” SO good. This song is gorge. Listen to it on headphones. Loud. Just wait for that trumpet…mindblown. Also love that we don’t have to go far to find adventure!
Leave a lighthouse in the wild,
Cause I'm coming in a little blind
 Dreamer of a lighthouse in the woods

Shining a little light to bring us back home
Or to help us get back into the world
Won’t you shine the light in your own backyard….

10. “I Love You Always Forever” ~Donna Lewis
I like to listen to this on the bus and pretend I’m in the last scene of a 90’s movie as the credits start to roll….don’t judge me! Try it sometime :) Also, Korea is a country of and for couples. Wearing matching clothes. And I like it.

11. “The Reeling” ~Passion Pit
Also a great cruisin on the bus on the way downtown song So city.

And all at once I feel this
Oh, how it clings to me
It reels and calls me towards some
Confounding destiny…
And I can feel the madness inch by inch
The more I run, the more I am convinced
I’ve coloured all these like the branches twist
Just like we settle in the frothy mist...

Korea is built on Confucianism. Respect for elders is built into their language and shapes everyday life. The streets are full of ajummas (technically means ‘married woman’, but especially refers to a certain style of grandma.) They are literally bent over and usually carrying bundles of plants, vegetables, etc…and they WILL run you over.

And with that, 안녕히 계세요! Goodbye and thanks for listening!! Miss you all and I’ll be back in the land of lakes soon!!

Monday, May 7, 2012

happy museum month! (#22)

that's right y'all. it's museum month. and what better way to celebrate than with a stellar playlist featuring the top 10 museums in the US! don't think about it too hard... just go with it.

Listen to Danny's playlist!!

#10. The Frick Collection: All the Rowboats by Regina Spektor - are you frickin' kidding me? just the fact that there is a museum in the world called the frick collection is frickin' amazing. one of the Frick Collection's mission statements is to preserve and display for the public the Collection, and to augment its holdings in fields established by Henry Clay Frick, reflecting the uncompromising levels of quality that he embraced, and maintaining the historic tranquility of Mr. Frick’s house. awesome. ok, and to be honest, this is probably the only song that will reference museums. like i said, just go with it.

#9. Norman Rockwell Museum: Blue Blood Blues by The Dead Weather - I don't know how Norman could NOT rock well to this song. one of the great charms of the museum is its location. many of Rockwell’s world-renowned images were drawn from the surrounding community and its residents.

#8. The Tech Museum of Innovation: Lotus Flower by Radiohead - this song just feels techy & innovative to me. try to not move to this... i dare you. the tech museum's mission is to inspire the innovator in everyone. how neat is that?!

#7. Museum of Fine Arts: Real Hero by College - The Museum's ultimate aim is to encourage inquiry and to heighten public understanding and appreciation of the visual world.

#6. Museum of Modern Art: Modern Man by Arcade Fire - had to be done. The Museum of Modern Art is a place that fuels creativity, ignites minds, and provides inspiration. With extraordinary exhibitions and the world's finest collection of modern and contemporary art, MoMA is dedicated to the conversation between the past and the present, the established and the experimental.

#5. National Gallery of Art: Movement and Location by Punch Brothers - The Gallery limits its active art collecting to paintings, sculpture, and works of art on paper, from the late middle ages to the present, from Europe and the United States.

#4. American Museum of Natural History: Magic by Ladyhawke - i'm kind of on an 80's vibe kick recently (see track #7, #4 & #3). The Museum is renowned for its exhibitions and scientific collections, which serve as a field guide to the entire planet and present a panorama of the world's cultures.

#3. Metropolitan Museum of Art: Polish Girl by Neon Indian - and it don't stop. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, which includes its Main Building on Fifth Avenue and The Cloisters museum and gardens in northern Manhattan, dates back to 1866.

#2. The J. Paul Getty Museum: Two Against One by Danger Mouse & Daniele Luppi Feat. Jack White - poor j. paul... nobody likes coming in 2nd. The J. Paul Getty Museum seeks to further knowledge of the visual arts and to nurture critical seeing by collecting, preserving, exhibiting and interpreting works of art of the highest quality.

#1. Smithsonian: I Won't Be Found by The Tallest Man On Earth - felt like the #1 museum in the US needed an artist with a BIG name... not to mention this is probably my #1 song at the moment. and the irony being that the most popular museum in the US will never not be found. sorry for the double negative there... founded in 1846, the Smithsonian is the world's largest museum and research complex, consisting of 19 museums and galleries, the National Zoological Park and nine research facilities.

and there you have it! enjoy the rest of your museum month!