Monday, June 25, 2012

Wham Bam Shazam! (#29)

alright, so this playlist is coming in a day late with a recycled idea. in my defense, i had already begun building my playlist when jess posted her list of what she's been listening to... which happened to include some shazamed tunes. well this is a playlist of complete shazam goodness. i first heard these tunes on the radio & used the handy little app to figure out what song i was listening to & who was performing it (save one tune which i discovered via anyway, i hope these songs strike your interest like they did mine!

Listen to Danny's playlist!

1. Dougou Badia by Amadou & Mariam feat. Santigold - COME ON!

2. Up, Up, Up by Givers - this song makes me want to do the raise the roof gesture during the "up, up, up" part. give it a try. you won't be disappointed.

3. A Candle's Fire by Beirut - these fellas sound so distinguished. shall we waltz?

4. This Head I Hold by Electric Guest - UHN! this is a toe tapping booty shaker. kinda has a tightrope j.monae vibe to it. i keep waiting for big boi to drop it!

5. Origins by Tennis - COME ON!

6. The Only Place by Best Coast - i wonder where this band lives & whether or not they enjoy living there.... hmmmmm. do they ever have fun? honestly though, i think this song owns atmosphere's "Say Shhh" song... the midwest needs a new anthem in my humble opinion.

7. The Look by Metronomy - for some reason this tune has a david bowie vibe for me... in my mind i keep imagining my friend joey cavalier dressed up as him, dancing strangely to this song. close your eyes & imagine him snapping along with me.

8. God From The Machine by Santigold - Santigold making her second appearance in this playlist. she is rocking my world & rapidly climbing my favorite artists list.

9. Generals by The Mynabirds - love when the beat changes in the chorus.

10. Rise To The Sun by Alabama Shakes - danny likey.

11. Dogpile by The Fling - this is the one i found on daytrotter. just randomly decided to check them out & i'm SO GLAD i did! their EP is quite good! and by quite i mean askjdfhoiquwhtawtaweoy4wotyvaoiurtyoavw4ytouavwet9my329yo9q4ytmouavygouachwou3ry3ouwrouihaewtmiouahvweugvhacew!!!

12. Otherside by Delta Spirit - i'm really diggin' this song. just gonna be honest & let you once again into my strange brain: for this one i imagine elton john as a chipmunk. just go with it.

13. Ho Hey by The Lumineers - this one's been getting a ton of play recently & i'm sure folks will be sick of it soon if they're not already... but i love it. and i'm gonna go ahead and dedicate this one to my beautiful girlfriend :)

till next time!


  1. I think you just posted like every song I'm currently digging. Electric Guest, Best Coast, Metronomy, Mynabirds, Alabama Shakes, The Fling, The Lumineers....... WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Apparently there's no need for my "Best Of 2012" list... thanks a lot jerk;)
